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  • Writer's picturePaul Cotter

In Lieu of Flowers

Sometimes when I’m taking pictures, people will stop and ask me “Why in the world would you photograph THAT?” I can understand why they’re puzzled. My definition of beauty is a bit different than some might expect or appreciate.

On this lovely spring day, I was standing in a park filled with blossoming trees and flowers bursting with color. But instead of pointing my camera at the classic spring splendor, I was drawn to this dingy wall and the pond full of algae.

To me, the decay was every bit as captivating as the fragrant blossoms.

The dark, dripping shapes on the wall were like Roman numerals standing boldly above the water. The algae-covered pond was like a petri dish teeming with bacterial life. I saw beauty, harmony and balance in the abstract arrangement of shapes, patterns, colors and reflections.

In many ways, we've been conditioned to draw clear distinctions between what’s beautiful and what isn’t. But it doesn't have to be that way. It all depends on how we look at things.


Apr 22, 2023

Your images are wonderful Paul, I love them all - so glad to have found these as miss seeing your posts on Vero. Thanks for sharing the link with us and I look forward to seeing more of your work and hearing your insights. Yvonne G or scribbleface2 as I seem to appear as 😁

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Apr 22, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, Yvonne. I'm very glad we're able to stay connected here. Seeing your work was one of the things I enjoyed most about Vero.


Andrew Ilachinski
Andrew Ilachinski
Apr 19, 2023

What an eloquent blog post - and, of course, the lovely image that is its centerpiece! It does what many photography texts struggle to achieve with their page-after-page expositions (at least when it comes to "explaining" what fine-art photography is all about): seeing some-"thing" and communicating something "else" (a poor rewording of Minor White's old adage on my part). Your image/words reveal a deep truth of what all photographers (strive to) do with their eye/I/camera. It's magic when it happens!

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Apr 20, 2023
Replying to

Andy, thank you for your kind and insightful remarks. I’m deeply grateful. By the way, a few days ago I added a “Resources” page on my blog with links to other sites of interest. Your excellent Tao of Photography blog is at the top of this list.


Apr 19, 2023

Paul, it’s always fascinating to learn what one sees. My first thought was that the walls reminded me of Christo’s Pont Neuf Wrapped and his other draped fabric installations in Berlin & elsewhere.

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Apr 19, 2023
Replying to

Ahh, I see what you mean about the draped fabric comparison. Good interpretation!


Apr 19, 2023

There's no right or wrong, just someone's perspective.

Really enjoying this format of photography and writing, it pairs so perfectly like PB&J. Please keep up good work!

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Apr 19, 2023
Replying to

Thanks, Andrew. I guess another name for the blog could have been Paul’s PB&J. 😊 Glad you’re enjoying it.


Unknown member
Apr 18, 2023

Intriguing image Paul! I share with you the attraction to things others might not find interesting….miss you over at VERO!

Paul Cotter
Paul Cotter
Apr 18, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, Tom. I‘m glad we’re able to stay connected outside of Vero and Instagram, and I’m glad to have your email so we can stay in touch. Not sure if you have my email. If not, you can shoot me a message through the Contact page here and I’ll send it to you.

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